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Current Style: Standard
Launched as an innovative project in June 2009, the Centre for Foreign Languages intends to cater to the compelling requirements of the present fast-moving world and its multi-linguistic requirements. In this era of globalisation and interdependence, knowing a foreign language is always an asset which gives one the required edge and enhances the job prospects. It is also evident that the knowledge of an additional foreign language is extremely essential to research scholars. Apart from the business exchange, there is also a growing need to translate scientific and technical documents, and of course, famous literary works from foreign languages. In the world of music too, there is an urge to understand the wordings of songs that you hear and enjoy. Films too need to be dubbed to have a global market.
There is a plan to launch Diploma Courses in French and German languages and to reintroduce Certificate of Proficiency Courses in Chinese and Italian from the next academic year.
Add-On Evening Certificate of Proficiency Courses in:
* Arabic
* French
* German
* Japanese
* Russian
* Spanish
Resource Persons
Ms. Linda Barbara Foote (French) |
Ms.Swapna Ghosh (French) |
Mrs. Arati Kumari (German) |
Mrs. Lee, Mi Hong (Korean) |
Mrs. Nathalie Cazach (Spanish) |
Mrs. Yuko Watanabe (Japanese) |
Mr. A.Sathar Khan (Arabic) |
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