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Recruitment of One Junior Research Fellow - Dept. of Ecology & Environmental Sciences.

Pondicherry University
Department of Ecology and Environmental Sciences


Junior Research Fellow

Applications are invited on plain paper from eligible candidates with complete bio-data and attested copies of certificates, and course completion certificate for candidates who have just completed M.Sc., for the following temporary research position on a UGC supported project

Title: “Assessment of plant diversity and impact of invasive species in the Mukurthi

National Park, Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve”.

Duration of the project: Three years

Position available: One project fellow.

Qualification: M.Sc. Ecology or Botany (Minimum aggregate 55%).  Proficient in Plant taxonomy and field ecology.  Field experience mandatory.  Should be able to work under harsh field conditions.


Fellowship: Rs. 8000/- per month consolidated

The last date for receiving applications: Extended up to 8th July 2011

Short-listed candidates will have to attend interview at Pondicherry University at their own expense.

Principal Investigator:

Dr. Priya Davidar, Dean, School of Life Sciences, Pondicherry University,
Pondicherry – 605 014
Tel: (0413)-2654-566

Last Date: 
Issuing Date: 
Issuing Authority: 
Dr. Priya Davidar, Dean, School of Life Sciences