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March 2015

Title News Type Post date
Ph.D. Public Viva-Voce of Mr.S.Sabari on 04.05.2015 Circular 31-03-2015
Ph.D. Synopsis Public Presentation of Mr.M.Maria Antony Raj on 15.04.2015 Circular 31-03-2015
Ph.D. Synopsis Public Presentation of Mr.Stalin.A. on 15.04.2015 Circular 31-03-2015
One Day Self Defense Workshop & Medical Camp on 31st March 2015 Events 30-03-2015
Calling of APAR details for 2014-15 Circular 30-03-2015
Tender invited for supply of ETD Lab Hardware Tenders 30-03-2015
Pondicherry University Hostel Day 2015 Events 28-03-2015
Hindi Fortnight Celebrations on 31-03-2015 Circular 27-03-2015
Workshop on Corriculum of Post-Graduate Courses of Politics & International Studies on 30-03-2015 Events 27-03-2015
Important notice to Hostel inmates Circular 27-03-2015
Meeting of the Office Bearers of the Associations with Authorities of PU - Prior Approval needed Circular 26-03-2015
Seminar - Ananda Rangapillai Diary on 30.03.2015 - School of Tamil Events 26-03-2015
Recruitment of two Research Associates - Dept. of Banking Technology Careers 26-03-2015
Circular & Seniority list for Quarters of Teaching and Non-teaching Staff Circular 26-03-2015
Lecture – Cluster to Relieve Frustration on 27.03.2015 - Dept. of Physics Events 26-03-2015
Lecture - Amusing Aspects of Abstract Thinking on 27.03.2015 - Dept. of Physics Events 26-03-2015
Expression of interest to run Shop Circular 25-03-2015
National Seminar on April 20-22, 2015 - UGC Centre for Southern Asia Studies Events 25-03-2015
Ph.D. Synopsis Public Presentation of Mr.Chatragadda Ramesh on 02.04.2015 Circular 25-03-2015
Recruitment for Project Fellow – Dept. of History Careers 25-03-2015
Lecture - India and Latin American Relations on 25.03.2015 Events 25-03-2015
Ph.D. Synopsis Public Presentation of Mr.Perumalsamy. C on 02.04.2015 Circular 25-03-2015
Public Viva-Voce Examination of Mr.Rajeev Srivatsava on 30th March, 2015 Circular 25-03-2015
Ph.D. Synopsis Public Presentation of Mr.V.Uma Maheswari on 10.04.2015 Circular 25-03-2015
Tender for Supply and Installation of Wi -Fi Access points Tenders 25-03-2015
