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Current Style: Standard
1. | B.Sc. Maths | 33-50 |
2. | B.Sc. Physics | 33-50 |
3. | B.Sc. Chemistry | 33-50 |
4. | B.Sc. Plant Science | 33-50 |
5. | B.Sc. Zoology | 33-50 |
6. | B.Sc. Home Science | 33-50 |
7. | B.C.A. | 33-50 |
8. | BPE (Bachelor of Physical Edn.) | 50 |
9. | B.A. Tamil | 30 |
10. | B.A. Bengali | 80 |
11. | B.Sc. Geography | 90 |
12. | B.B.A. (Tourism and Travel Mgt.) | 30 |
13. | B.Com. | 80 |
14. | B.A. History | 90 |
15. | B.A. Economics | 90 |
16. | B.A. Political Science | 90 |
17. | B.A. Hindi | 90 |
18. | B.A. English Language and Literature | 90 |
19. | M.Sc. Chemistry | 15 |
20. | M.Sc. Plant Science | 15 |
21. | M.Sc. Computer Science | 25 |
22. | M.A. English | 25 |
23. | M.A. Hindi | 25 |
24. | M.A. Bengali | 15 |
25. | M.A. Political Science | 25 |
26. | M.Sc. Geography | 90 |
27. | M.Com | 25 |
Port Blair - 744 104,
Andaman & Nicobar Islands.
1. | B.Com. | 40-44 |
2. | B.Com.(Co-operative Management) | 40-44 |
3. | B.Sc. (Computer Science) | 30-33 |
4. | BCA | 30-33 |
5. | BBA | 30-33 |
Nallavadu Road,
Abishegapakkam Post,
uducherry - 605 007.
1. | B.A. (Historical Studies) | 28-31 |
2. | B.A. (Social Work) | 28 |
Puducherry - 605 110.
1. | B.Sc. Maths | 44-50 |
2. | B.Com | 30 |
3. | BCA | 30-40 |
4. | B.A. Functional Tamil | 40-50 |
5. | B.B.A. (Tourism and Travel Management) | 33 |
Puducherry - 605 017.
Exam Enquiry: All enquiries with regard to the Exams, Provisional Certificate, Degree Certificate, Issue of Mark List, Change of Spelling in Mark List, Wrong entry in the Mark List etc., should be sent to the Controller of Exams. Exam Enquiries can be made in Telephone No.0413-2654233.
Re-Continuation of the Course: Normally students should complete the course within 5 years from the Date of Enrolment. However, the students are advised to complete the course as early as possible.
You can to university phone number to get more details on M.Ed Entrance Exam. For more details on how to apply, Please check out this link
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Pondicherry University holds a special place in the Indian University System. It was created to meet out the demands of the local community, and ever since its inception in 1985, it has shown a tremendous commitment to innovation and to serving the needs of the nation.