The School is uniquely placed to conduct interdisciplinary teaching and research activities in the physical sciences. The above Departments of the School offer M.Sc., M.Phil., and Ph.D. programmes. The Departments in the School also offer an integrated M.Sc. programme of five years duration in Physics, Chemistry and Applied Geology for the +2 students. All the Departments have distinguished faculty and excellent laboratory and computational facilities. There are more than 30 research scholars engaged in frontline areas of research. A very high percentage of M.Sc. students of the School have cleared national level tests, UGC-CSIR NET and GATE. The students and researchers of the Departments routinely use common facilities like, Vibrating Sample Magnetometer (Lakeshore, USA), UV-VISNIR Spectrophotometer (Carry 5000) and scanning Electron Microscope with Energy Dispersive X-ray (SEM-EDX) Analyzer that are recently augmented, in the Central Instrumentation Facility (CIF). All the Departments of the School are supported by DST-FIST programme and the Department of Chemistry is also supported by UGC-SAP funding. Sophisticated equipments have been procured under these funding and these are extensively used for teaching and research.