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Current Style: Standard
The Department of Tamil was started in 1986. It has been promoted as Subramania Bharathi School of Tamil Language and Literature in 2003. The School is functioning with the following academic and research activities for the betterment fo Tamil Literary world. Dr. Durai Seenisami was appointed Emiretus Professor for two years. Dr. Gnanasundaram is appointed on Kamban Chair to do research on Kambaramayanam.
Every year, the School of Tamil is celebrating the folowing Tamil Literature functions for the benefit of the students, scholars as well as faculty members of School of Tamil.
1. Endowment Lectures: 13
2. Guest Lectures: 25 (both 1st and 2nd semester of each academic year)
3. Bharathi Day Celebration: As part of the birth anniversay of the national Tamil poet Bharathi
4. Student interaction programmes with eminent Tamil scholars from leading Tamil institutions
The School has produced more than 95 Ph.D. At present 30 candidates are doing Ph.D. in the School. More than 254 scholars received M.Phil. degree until 2007. Thirty five students are currently engaged in M.Phil. programme. Many students have cleared the National Level UGC/SLET examinations.
M.A Tamil
Ph.D. Tamil (Full-time)
The written examination will consist of objective type questions only on Tamil language, Literature and culture.
M.Phil. and Ph.D.
The written Paper will consist of questions of objective type and essay type on Tamil Language, Literature and Culture.
This School offers facilities for intensive study and research in different areas of Tamil Literature such as Sangam Literature, Epic Literature, Devotional Literature, Modern Literature, Comparative Literature and Folklore. The thrust area of the School is Theory and Grammar.