Elements of Presenation

Power point Presentations : To be given by Authorities and Officers (15 Hard copies may be distributed to all members before making presentations).

Hon’ble Vice Chancellor (30-40 Minutes) – 18-02-2010 at 10.30 AM (EC Hall)

To be attended by all Deans and HODs. Officers and Directors

Audit Members

Academic & Administrative Audit Committee Members


Name and Address of Members


IQAC Members

  • Registrar
  • Finance Officer
  • Director, Academic Staff College
  • Director, Directorate of Distance Education
  • Controller of Examinations
  • Dean , Head of the Department, Coordinators
  • Librarian
  • Principal , Community College
  • Chief Warden

About Academic Audit

Higher Education, in India, is one among the top three areas of development undergoing a tremendous change. The country is becoming a global hub for educational activities and a feeder for all kinds of international man-power requirement. There is a growing demand for, and also concern to, provide quality education with standard curriculum and globally acceptable system of education. Everywhere the idea of increasing Gross Enrollment ration, Generating more human resource with intellectual inputs are given much thrust.

Courses Offered

As a part of Vocationalisation of Higher Education, B.Voc. Degree courses have been introduced, by University Grants Commission (UGC).

Study Process

Working Hours
The College works for a minimum of 90 days in a Semester and classes are conducted on all the week days. If necessary special classes can be held on weekends owing to time constraints. The minimum contact class hours for a paper will be around 60 hours.
(a) For UG progammes, the classes start by 9.00 am and ends by 3.00 pm. 

Rules and Regulations

Student Discipline
Students enrolled at Community College must recognize their responsibilities towards the faculty, office staff and fellow students. Failure to maintain appropriate standards of conduct will attract disciplinary action.

Students Services

Placement and Career Guidance
The central objective of the Pondicherry University Community College is to match education with employment. It has a Placement Cell which is very active and it works in association with the Placement Cell of Pondicherry University and facilitates successful placement of the students in various Multinational Companies every year.

Common Facilities

The Community College has strengthened academic facilities in all fields.   The College has well equipped Computer Labs, Digital Lab, Microprocessor Lab, Biotechnology and Biochemistry Labs, Visual Communication Lab and Studios & Multipurpose Health Worker Lab.  All these laboratories are equipped with the state-of-the-art facilities.