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Current Style: White/Black
1. | B.Sc. Maths | 50 |
2. | B.Sc. Chemistry | 40 |
3. | B.Sc. Computer Science | 40 |
4. | M.A. Tamil | 20 |
5. | M.A. Economics | 15 |
6. | M.A. Social Work | 20 |
7. | M.A. Public Administration | 20 |
8. | M.Com | 20 |
Permanent affiliation | ||
9. | B.Sc. Physics | 40 |
10. | B.Sc. Zoology | 40 |
11. | B.A. Economics | 60 |
12. | B.A. Tamil | 60 |
13. | B.Com. | 60 |
Bharathiar Road, Nehru Nagar,
Karaikal - 609 605.
1. | B.C.A. | - | 30 |
2. | B.B.A. | - | 40 |
3. | B.Com. | - | 40 |
Cemetery Road
Mahe - 673 310.
1. | B.Com. | 60 |
2. | B.Com. (Corporate Secretaryship) | 60 |
3. | B.B.A | 60 |
4. | B.Sc. Mathematics | 60 |
5. | B.Sc. Computer Science | 50 |
6. | B.C.A. | 50 |
7. | B.Sc. Physics | 40 |
8. | B.Sc. (Information Technology) | 50 |
9. | B.A English Language & Literature | 40 |
10. | M.Sc. (Mathematics) | 40 |
11. | M.Sc. (Computer Science) | 20 |
12. | M.Com. | 30 |
Lake Road, Velrampet,
Puducherry - 605 004.
Ph: 0413-2280156
Provisional Affiliation | ||
1. | L.L.M. – Branch I Labour, Industrial Relations, Administrative Law. | 10 |
2. | L.L.M. – Branch II Crime & Tort | 10 |
3. | L.L.M. - Branch III - International Law, Constitutional Law & Human Rights Law | 10 |
4. | L.L.M. – Branch IV Business Law | 10 |
Permanent affiliation from 2014-15 to 2018-19 | ||
1. | L.L.B. (3 Years) | 60 |
2. | L.L.M. (5 Years Integrated Course) | 60 |
3. | P.G. Diploma in French Law | 15 |
Mathur Road, Kalapet,
Puducherry - 605 014.
1. | L.L.B. (3 Years) | 30 |
No.2, Adiparasakthi Koil Street, Rainbow Nagar,
Puducherry 605 011.
1. | M.B.B.S. |
100+50 * |
2. | M.S. Anatomy | 02 |
3. | M.D. (Physiology) | 04 |
4. | M.D. (Biochemistry) | 02 |
5. | M.D. (Microbiology) | 04 |
6. | M.D. (Pathology) | 03 |
7. | M.D. (Community Medicine) | 04 |
8. | M.D. General Medicine | 04 |
9. | M.D. Psychiatry | 02 |
10. | M.S. Ophthalmology | 01 |
11. | M.S. Obst. & Gynaecology | 03 |
12. | M.D. Anaesthesiology | 04 |
13. | M.S. (E.N.T) | 02 |
14. | M.Ch. (Plastic Surgery) | 01 |
15 | M.D. (Pharmacology) | 02 |
16. | M.D. (DVL) | 01 |
17. | M.D. (Paediatrics) | 03 |
18. | M.S. (General Surgery) | 03 |
19. | M.D. (Pulmonary Medc.) | 01 |
20. | M.D. Radio-Diagnosis | 02 |
21. | M.S. (Orthopaedics) | 02 |
* Sub-judice in court |
Puducherry 605 014.
1. | M.Sc Public Health Entomology* | 12 |
2. | Ph.D. (Zoology) | # |
3. | Ph.D. (Microbiology) | # |
4. | Ph.D. (Chemistry) | # |
5. | Ph.D (Epidemiology) | # |
# Not exceeding 8 candidates per recognized guide / supervisor |
Indra Nagar,
Puducherry - 605 006.
1. | B.Sc. Nursing | 50 |
Perambai Road, Paris Road, Moolakulam,
Puducherry - 605 010.
1. | B.P.T | 30 |
2. | B.Sc. (M.L.T.) | 20 |
3. | M.P.T. (Orthopaedics) | 03 |
4. | M.P.T. (Neurology) | 03 |
Ariyur, Puducherry - 605 102.