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Dr. M.Nandhini

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Associate Professor
DegreeSpecializationUniversity / InstitutionYear of Completion
1Ph.D.-Bharathiar University2013
2M.Phil.-Alagappa University2005
3NET- Lectureship-UGC, New Delhi1998
4M.C.A.-Bishop Heber College, Trichirappalli, Bharathidasan University1997
5B.Sc.MathematicsBishop Heber College, Trichirappalli, Bharathidasan University1994
Total Experience: 
16yrs 7mths
Area of Specialization/Interest: 
  1. Evolutionary Algorithms – Soft Computing
  2. Combinatorial Problem Optimization
  3. Artificial Intelligence
  4. Software Engineering

Complete CV here

Contact Details
Present Address: 
Dr. M.Nandhini, Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science Pondicherry University Puducherry-14
Telephone No: 
0413 2252220
Mobile No: 
98435 94675
mnandhini.csc@pondiuni.edu.in, mnandhini2005@yahoo.com